Tarik Hopstock
I’m Tarik Hopstock and I am a brazilian jiu jitsu athlete and instructor.
I am a black belt under Eduardo «Teta» Rios and I represent Frontline Academy, out of Norway.
For Business inquiries send me a mail to tarik@tarikbjj.com

Follow my day to day on Instagram! I also post updates on techniques, competitions, goofy stuff and so much more. Any questions? Slide into my DMs.


All of the techniques that i post for free at YouTube every week, i do for free. If you want to show some apreciation, this is the way! There is even bundles with merch included.

TarikBJJ.com will be my own personal online training portal. I will post courses on specific topics, private lessons, have forums for support and a lot more!

Follow my Facebook page for updates on new videos, competition results, and so much more. Do you have any questions? DM me here!

Want to sport some of my branding, and look awesome at the same time? No problemo, just check out my merchandise shop right here.

BJJ Fanatics
I have made some DVDs with BJJ Fanatics. Click here to read reviews and purchase your way into foot locks and tarikoplatas!

I am a gamer. Do i need to say more?